ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA- II 523 Study of a permanent source of income. If the Jillitary chaplain of Landour did not have his residence at the Study, his salary would. not be ~vailable for the maintenance of the students. Therefore, even if the Study were ·to have an inde– pendent administration, at least ad experimentum, the students and the staff should be subject to the legitimate authority of the Guardian of the Friary, the Commissary pleaded 61 . It was not long before the news of the shifting of the Study to Mussoorie was bruited abroad and it was frowned upon by many, as reported by the Novice Master: There is much in favour of this move, yet I am not without fears for the fu– ture. In my opinion there are many objections against this step, the most serious being the different departments that are seeking shelt~r there. Besides His Grace, the Regular Superior, the Parish Priest, there will be a regular going and coming for 4 or 5 months during summer of Tuscan Fathers needing a rest. 'I am afraid the regular observance will suffer much. Moreover the:community will be made up of priests of different nationalities. Do you think, Most Rev. Father, that this mixture of priests and nationalities will work? If ther were all employed for the same purpose, ie, the training of the students, I may be made believe it may work. But in the case of Mussoorie where the end and purpose of the greater part of the priests will be quite different I seriously doubt it will ever work. I have one year and a half of experience and I can say it requ,ires 'an amount of prudence and tactfulness to direct a community of so many differen.t elements, though we are all aiming at the same end. Should the Superior of Mussoorie not be a Tuscan it may make things worse still. In my opinion and in the opinion of all the Fathers of my community the Study House should be separate and ~xist by itself, and therefore, no better choice could be made than J oelikote 62 • The Master made out a strong case for the starting of a Study with full autonomy of administration. He rushed another letter in the same vein to the Regular Superior of Allahabad, begging him to write to the General and propose 61 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Studto, Fr Commissary to! Fr General, Mussoorie 24 July 1923: "Il <lover lasciare questo monastero per un'altro luogo qµalsiasi produrrebbe un effetto troppo sensibile in tutti i padri di questa Missione. Il progetto !'ho appenna accennato a Mon– signore e non gli ha fatto buona impressione. Posso notare ancora che diversi frati non hanno mai cessato di premunirmi di far lo Studio altrove; ma di questo non ne prendo notizia, solo lo riferisco per spiegarmi meglio". 62 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Studto, Fr Master to Fr General, Mussoorie 13 August 1923.
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