522 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA Study would not in any way be depriving them of their summer villa. Alienating the friars of Agra would be asking for trouble, as it had verified more than once in the past 58 • Over and above this, the Friary also served the Archbishop as his summer residence; there he had the total liberty to_play host to his clergy as and when he liked. It would be foolhardy to imagine that the Archbishop would stay at a place where someone else commanded. It was, therefore, imperative that the status quo be scrupulously maintained and make the students and their lectors form part of the local Fraternity. At least as a provisional arrangement, this would, without incurring over-much money or energy, enable the clerics to con– tinue their studies without interruption 59 • The Commissary's letter crossed the General's and curiously, the contents too nearly coincided 60 . While both agreed on the idea of translocating the Study to Mussoorie, they differed on the way of providing the Fathers of Agra a holiday home. Contrary to the General's plan of placing the entire Friary at the disposal of the clerics, the Commissary opined that the Friary should simulta– neously function also as the summer resort for the friars of Agra. The Commis– sary was apprehensive about the reaction of his missionaries once they were to get wind of the plans for the opening of the Study in their summer villa. It could be unleashing a torrent of protest from their part against the move. The General's proposal of having a separate house for the Fathers of Agra and keeping it open throughout the year would cost the earth, since such a house had to be equipped for serving both as summer rest house as well as sanatorium. It had to be, moreover, capacious enough to accommodate the Guardian, the Archbishop, the chaplains to the various institutions, and the many guests. Destining the existing Friary exclusively for the clerics would be depriving the 58 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Studio, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Mussoorie 9 June 1923: "Per ritenerne l'usq ed il possesso fu espediente far venire Studenti dall'Italia, trattandosi di ritenere un luogo vitale per i Padri Cappuccini della Diocesi di Agra, l'unico luogo sanitario per loro. Ma si puo benissimo scansare la difficolta col lasciare al Guardiano o Superiore di questo luogo le proprie attribuzioni senza necessita che questo ufficio passi ad altre diocesi, che dopo tutto Ja Missione di Agra ha la maggioranza dei candidati e sempre probabilmente I'avra". 59 When this letter reached its destination the General was already back in Rome. AGCap G 68, II A, Novizjato e Stud.to, Fr General to Fr Pius of Mhow, Rome 19 July 1923: "Sono giunto felicemente in Roma la sera de! 17 c dopo un felicissimo viaggio da New York a Napoli in nove giorni". 60 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Stud.to, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Mussoorie 24 July 1923: "Come vede i nostri pensieri si combinano riguardo al luogo dello Studio per i chierici che escono dal Noviziato di Sardhana".
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