520 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA General and Master were on the look out for ways and means of financially bolstering up the Novitiate and the Study 55 . The General wanted the Commissary to proceed with great circumspection before fixing on the place for the Study. It was not merely the question of having somehow a Study, but of making it result from the goodwill and collaboration of the various Capuchin Missions; the materialisation of such cooperation was to be seminal for the Order's local offshoot in India. The Regular Superiors were to shoulder the responsibility for the venture and the General looked forward to their full participation in the work. However, one had to be judicious as to cut one's coat according to one's cloth; in the straitened circumstances in which the Order then found itself, it would be more than advisable to think of putting the existing facilities to the use of the clerics. He regretted the Order's incapacity to financially intervene in favour of the Study but promised to do everything within the bounds of possibility to overcome the snags and to have the scheme take offi 6 • The Commissary's letter of 9 July 1923 to the General presented a very at– tractive plan for bypassing the impasse on the question of the Study, and it happened to concur with the General's mind. The Commissary and Mgr Bernac– chioni had discussed between them the economic strain that the projected Study would engender for the Capuchin Missions. In order to have full access to the 55 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato e Stud.to, Fr Master to Fr General, Sardhana 8 May 1923. Fr General to Provincials of New York and Pittsburgh, New York 23 June 1923, "Ex nunc tamen, propter novam necessitatem, plenam commendationem ad Superiorem Domus Novitiatus Sardhanae in Archidiocese Agrensi erectae limito; illa enim Domus paucis ab hinc annis instituta est, ut ea Ordinis nostri praecipua Missio abundantiori et validiori rnissionariorum numero augeretur. Auxilia igitur illi Domui praestita, non tantum illam recentem coadiuvant institutio– nem, sed et in bonum cedit totius nostrae Missionis tarn late in illo vastissimo regno diffusae". Fr Master to Fr General, Sardhana 13 August 1923, thanking the General for his mediation, said: "the Diocesan Director of the Propagation of the Faith at Boston has promised me substantial help, both in stipends for masses and burses for our students. 1bis looks certainly promising in as far as the material side of our Novitiate anG! Study Houses are concerned". In his letter of 10 September 1923, the General authorised the Master to collect funds for the Novitiate and the Study during the latter's forthcoming holidays in Belgium. 56 APCapTusc, Missione Indastan, ''Noviziato di Sardhana. Studentato di Mussoorie", Fr General to Fr Commissary, Detroit 10 June 1923: "Tutto considerato, la mia mente ritorna al pensiero di Mussoorie - non formerebbe meno dispensioso provvedere una casa per i Padri che sono in vacanza e lasciare quel convento a piena disposizione dello studio? Non intendo d'insistere su questo punto, ma solo di riproporlo alla considerazione de Lei e degli altri. Lascio piena Iiberta di scelta".
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