516 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA In their meeting of 5 February 1923, the Commissary and his Councillors found a way out of this anomalous situation; they "agreed in future to share all expenses for extraordinary outlay". The House would thus be financially viable and self-supporting, provided a rationalization of the expending would be made 45 • Meanwhile in the· absence of an alternative arrangement, it was resolved that the neo-professed would move from the living quarters reserved for the novices and take up residence in another part of' the same Friary, where they would begin their training for priesthood 46 • And the Commissary laid it on the line that the office of the Guardian should be distinct from that of the Master, especially because the community was waxing in strength. To his great joy, the Commissary found that the Master's performance measured up to the expectations. But he could not fully subscribe to the Master's admitted unwillingness to te~t the mettle of the novices by publicly administering to them reprimands and corrections. The Master held firmly to the view that the Commissary's was a virtual impolicy. This differing viewpoint between the Master and the Commissary came up in the gathering of the Regular Superiors. Here the Commissary failed to win over the Councillors to his side; they upheld the Master's methods and decided that "the present practice of the culpa shall be continued as in the past. The Regular Superiors will decide on the nature of any change to be made" 47 • The General too found nothing amiss with the Master's pedagogical technique, even though it did not fully conform with the usances in some of the Provinces in Europe. He took the occasion to remind the Commissary that the Novitiate of Mussoorie had been deplored precisely be– cause of its stern regimen 48 . 45 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato eStudto, Mgr Kenealy to Fr General, Simla 15 March 1923; Fr Commissary to Fr General, Agra 15 February 1923. 46 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato eStudto, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Sardhana 14 Febru– ary 1923. 47 APCapTusc,Missione Indostan, "Minutes of meeting of Regular Superiors", 19. 48 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, "Noviziato di Sardhana. Studentato di Mussoorie", Fr Genexal to Fr Commissary, New York 2 July 1923; "Raccomando pero che non passi all'estremo opposto e non si ripetano nel noviziato attuale quelle poco lodevoli maniere, che ho sentito piu volte deplorare nel noviziato di Mussoorie. Sarei di pensiero che se ne parli al P. Maestro, ma poi che si lasci lui responsabile di tutto. Non sono di parere, che si prenda esempio da alcuni Noviziati di Europa, nei quali il P. Maestro non da certo esempio di dolcezza e carita nel fare le correzioni.... Secondo me, il P. Maestro deve essere di arnmaestramento a 'suoi' giovani anche nelle maniere religiosamente gentili e benevoli".
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