ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA- II 515 Thanks to their goodwill and holiness, the five friars from four Provinces, each · culture-bound and upholding the sacrosanct traditions of his own Province, got along fairly well. They pulled together in translating the project of implanting their Order in India's native soi1 43 • The General spared no pains to tide the infant institute over the many hurdles as it was taking its first steps. He had various items sent to the Novitiate and exempted the priests from the obligation of offering Masses ad mentem P. Ministri Genera/is. Willingly he acceded to the Master's request for getting Br Florentine of Booitshoeke (Prov. Belgium), a veteran of the Lahore Mission, for the Novitiate. According to the Master, the presence of an experienced Lay Brother in the Novitiate would enhance qua– litatively the performance of its staf£ As soon as the Commissary returned from Europe, he hastened to the Novitiate and, to his satisfaction, found there everything in apple-pie order. The restructuration of the building was still in course. He studied the accounts and calculated that the annual expense per person would be Rs 600 while the fixed income would consist of the offering of Re 1 for every celebration of the Holy Mass and the quota allotted for the students. The income was just enough to even the everyday expenses. But the financial onus of refurbishing and main– taining the building was falling unequally on the Agra Mission as it had already shelled out more than Rs 10,000 from its ''Novitiate Fund" for the repairs. Since the novices were from either Agra or Lahore, the other three Missions were not fully in the picture and Agra was fated to bear the Qrunt of the upkeep 44 . a noi e a noi si affidano per essere introdotti a passi sicuri alla vita francescana. lo sento la gravita dell'obbligo... Raccomando vivamente a tutti di compiere degnamente e decorosamente la propria parte". 43 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato e Stud.to, Fr Louis to Fr General, Sardhana 29 November 1922, was appreciative of the dynamics within the Fraternity: "Quanta alla pace fraterna pure la P. S. Rev.ma si puo allietare grandemente, giacche siamo andati avanti sempre in buona armonia. Siamo qui 5 Fadri venuti su da 4 differenti provincie e quindi con differente educazione, con usi different e modi di vedere. Tuttavia non abbiamo da lamentarci". AGCap G 68, rv, Novizjato e Stud.to, "Relationes Particulares -1922-1945), Fr Symphorian of Paris to Fr General, Sardhana 4 December 1922: he was positively impressed when he saw how the Novitiate functioned: " ...mais de peu que j'ai vu j'ose du jurer que l'reuvre produira de bons fruits". 44 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato e Stud.to, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Agra 11 January 1923: "Tutte le spese sono state sopportate dalla Missione di Agra sino a qui, se si eccettasse qualche miscela di 100 rupie venuta da altrove. I nov:izzi sono di due diocesi solamente al presente, cioe 3 di Lahore e 4 di Agra. Quelli di Lahore pagano regolarmente, due dei quali di proprio".
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