514 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA postulancy on 27 May 1922 and Antony was promoted as novice on 13 June. Raymond quitted on 17 July. Lawrence's induction (Felix Colac,:o) as novice took place on 14 August. Joseph (Alexander Fernandes) joined as postulant on 8 September. Francis (Whelan) received the novices's habit on 9 October, taking the name of Bernard. Joseph (Blacklock) and Joseph Fernandes changed their names to Pascal and Joseph respectively on their entry into the novitiate on 26 November. On 30 November Fidelis, who had· received the habit from Fr General, was sent away. Crispin (Piedade Salclhana) was accepted as postulant on 10 February 1923 and Seraphin Gohn fromJoelikote) began his novitiate on 18 February. The second of March 1923 was indeed a red-letter day, as it was on that day that Br Felix made his simple profession; on the same day Fidelis (Deacon Joseph Gonsalves) and Leonard (Dominic Fernandes) were vested with the novice's habit. The Novitiate Fraternity too had some substitutions. Fr Cyril was replaced by Fr Symphorian of Paris (Prov. Paris). Fr Louis and the newly– professed Br Felix moved to Mussoorie on 3 March 1923. Fr Oscar (Ansgarius) of Pamel (Belgium) took over as Vice Master and Fr Pius Lyons of Mhow (Britain) joined the community as parish priest:4 1 • While Fr General had every reason to thank God as regards the Indian Novitiate, he cautioned the friars in Sardhana against tempting providence 42 • restore him to health". Fr Master reported to the General on 13 August 1923 that "the late professor Noronha, Br Francis, has had to leave us for reasons of health. The poor Brother has since died from galloping consumption. This was a real loss for the Novitiate, as he was such a promising subject''. 41 C£ APCapTusc, Missione InrkJstan, "Status personalis of Sardhana Novitiate". Fr Pius' ar– rival in Sardhana on 1 March was indeed a happy coincidence because on the day following he was to assist at the profession of Br Felix, the first fruit of the Novitiate of Sardhana, while exactly forty years back it had been his privilege to be the first to take the vows in the Novitiate of Mussoorie. Later in his letter of 10 June 1923 to Fr General sent from Sardhana, Fr Pius says that Fr Commissary did him honour by delegating him to accept the profession of Br Antony, the first cleric of the Novitiate of Sardhana: "E cosi il primo chierico del monastero di Musso– orie, che sono io, ha avuto l'onore ed il piacere di ricevere la professione del primo chierico di Sardhana. La congregazione essendo indiana, ed il novizio stesso essendo anch'egli indiano, io feci la predica nella lingua indostana e spiegai che cosa vogliono dire la vita religiosa ed i voti religiosi, che adesso anche gl'indiani possono (grazie a Dio ed a Paternita Sua Rev.ma) abbracci– are". 42 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato eStud.to, Fr General to Fr Commissary, Rome 28 November 1922: "Se da una parte queste notizie consolano, da un'altra parte ci spingono a riflettere sul nostro grave dovere di corrispondere all'attesa delle distintissime Persone che rivolgono gli occhi
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