ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA- II 513 Meanwhile Mgr Perini, in whose company Fr General had voyaged to India, was proving to be better than his word. He warmly recommended the Capuchin Order to the clerics of his seminary, effectively making the Diocesan Seminary of Mangalore a potential source for vocations to the Capuchin Order 36 • It was now the turn of Fr General to spur the Novice Master and the Fraternity on to a life of dedicated service: 'While the number of novices is increasing exteriorly, you do your best to inculcate in the novices the true Franciscan spirit" 37 • The Vice Master was euphoric and visioned in the Novitiate of Sardhana a fructiferous future for the Church and the Order in India 38 • Since the Com– missary was away in Italy on his home-leave, his place was taken by Fr Chris– topher of Castel del Piano, the First Councillor of the Mission of Agra. Fr Christopher used the designation "Vice Commissary" while signing letters 39 • The Status persona/is records the comings and goings that occurred at the Novitiate of Sardhana. Fidelis Games Domingo) and Felix (Stephen Sunera) began their Novitiate on 26 February 1922. On the same day Antony (Ahmid Ullah, Prov. Holy Trinity) and Raymond (Smith) were enroled as postulants. Francis (Thomas Joseph Whelan), Joseph 0oseph Francis Blacklock) were received as postulants on 8 April Francis (Professor Alex Noronha 40 ) began his 36 The one-year old friendship between Fr General and Mgr Perini was already bearing fruits. AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato eStudto, Mgr Perini to Fr General, Mangalore 2 January 1923: "Spero che il loro Noviziato di Sardhana si vada impiantando bene. Mi e di grande consolazione il fatto che questo mio Seminario di Mangalore ha gia dato due novizzi al loro Noviziato e saro ben felice se, come spero, andranno maturando altre vocazioni Confido che Vostra Paternita non abbia abbandonato !'idea di aprire una casa in questa mia Diocesi. Saro tanto contento se !'idea si potra eseguire". C£ also Fr Master's letter to Fr General, Sardhana 24 October 1922. 37 AGCap G 68, II A, Novizjato e Studto, Fr General to Fr Master, Rome 15 November 1922. 38 AGCap G 68, II A, Noviziato eStudto, Fr Louis of Seggiano to Fr General, Sardhana 29 November 1922: "L'esperienza di questi 9 mesi ci mostra chiaramente che il Signore si com– piace e benedice a questa nuova istituzione che sotto l'influsso della sua grazia crescera senza dubbio a gloria di Dio e ad onore dell'Ordine e della Chiesa". 39 C£ AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato eStudto, Fr Christopher to Fr General, Agra 8 Novem– ber 1922. 4 ° Fr General refers to him as "un eminent professeur de Lahore". C£ AGCap G 68, II A, Nomzjato e Stud.to, General's letter to Provincials of Paris, Belgium and England, Rome 31 December 1922. Fr Master's letter of 8 May 1923 to Fr General gave the sad news "that most probably one of the clerics, Br Francis (Noronha), the ex-professor of Lahore, will have to leave us as it has been proved that he is suffering from consumption. The good Brother has been ailing for the last five months, and all the medical attendance available has not been able to
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