
DEVOCIÓN A STA. CLARA EN ESPAÑA 155 inyecte en las venas espirituales de los fíeles españoles una efusión de "claridad" para el discernimiento de la verdadera devoción. Que junto al deseo de serenidad para el tiempo atmosférico se intensifique sobre todo la trasparencia de una fe cristiana que clarifique el horizonte vital de las gentes de España disipando los nubarrones que no dejan ver el cielo y que condenan pies y mente a un caminar sin sentido. SUMMARY. - The article is based on a study in situ on the devotion to St Clare current among the people of Spain. A noteworthy fact that emerges in this regard is that, when compared with other nations, the Spanish regions by far abound in the monasteries of the Poor Clares. The author visited sorne of these monasteries in connection with this study. Information was collected from ali the Spanish díoceses on parishes, churches and shrines dedicated to Clare. In the area of cult and devotion there are sorne excesses bordering on superstition; this, however, only goes to show the distinct place that Clare holds in the popular mínd. The many celebrations planned with regard to this centenary, augurs well for invígorating the popular devotion towards thís saint of Assisi.