
324 ISIDORO DE VILLAPADIERNA storico della Foresta della Verna; M. Miozzo, Flora, Vegetazjone ed Erbario della Verna; L. Pellegrini, JI primitivo insediamento a/la Venza; R. Lambertini, La Verna e l'identita jrancescana: a/cr,me figure; M. Sensi, Gli Osseroanti al/a Verna; G. Buffon, J Rijormati al/a Verna (1625-1875): le ragioni di una durata; A. Ciceri, Manoscritti e vicende della biblioteca della Venza; M.G. Ciardi Dupré Dal Pogegetto, JI ciclo corale della Verna ne/ contesto dell'Osseroanza francescana nell'area di influenza florentina ne/ seco/o XV; A.M. Romanini, La chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli a/la Verna; M. Rughetti, Le strutture architettoni'che del santuario della Verna; G. Gentilini, Scultura di luce: le rob– biane della Venza. Franciskus en Clara moeder en dochter was the title of Prof. Gerard P. Free– man's conference given on 6 May at the Catholic University of Utrecht and published in the same year (KTE te Utrecht 1999, 43 p} In Bologna on 22-23 May the Friary "Osservanza" of the Friars Minar served as the venue for the eighteenth "Giomate dell'Osservanza" patronised by the "Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna". Attese millenarie e /Vomo del 2000 was its focal theme and the speakers included Cardinal G. Biffi and other eminent scholars, one of whom was Prof. Claudio Leonarcli, who exam– ined the question Esiste un 'eredita di Francesco d'Assisi? The proceedings have been published in the ''Quaderni'' of the Foundation, n. 4, edited by M. Poli, Bologna 1999, 80 p. On the Congress cf. VitaMin. 59 (1999) 469-473. At the Mount Alvema Retreat Center, Caledon, Ont., on 23-28 May a Seminar on Stucfying the lije and wn"tings oJ Francis oJ Assisi was held with Bill Hugo, Friar Minar Capuchin, as the conférencier. The purpose was to give the participants a reliable historical knowledge on the theme upan which they can build a fruitful Franciscan spirituality and culture. The Franciscan Center of the Washington Theological Union indicted a Symposium on 28-30 May on Franciscans and health care: What is theJuture? For the list of the papers, conversations, resources and other tapies, see The Cord 49 (1999) 48. At the Loyola University, Chicago, on 10-13 was held a Conference on Bi– ble and Spanish Renaissance: Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros and the Complutensian Po/y– glot. On 12-13 June the "Centro Studi Bonaventuriani" ofBagnoregio (Viterbo, Italy) held its XLVII Meeting on the theme Ragione ejede: la prima Scuola France– scana. Bonaventura egli injlussi su/la ''Fides et ratio•~ The papers read were: L. Sileo, II ministero della teología. Da Alessandro di Hales a Bonaventura; A. Pompei, Cosmolo– gía: scienza ejede in san Bonaventura; G. Beschin, La matura come simbo/o di Dio in san Bonaventura, al/a luce della ragione e della jede; A. Rizzacasa, Presenza della tradizjone