
CHRONICIE OF 1999 323 L 'iconografia delpellegrinaggio francescano; C. Cargnoni, 11pellegrinaggio ne/le fonti Fran– cescane e ne/laprassi dei Frati Minori. Die Diof!Ysius-&zeption im Mittelalter was the title of the Colloquy that the "Société Intemationale pout l'Étude de la Philosophie Mécliévale" organised in Sophia (Bulgaria) from 8 to 11 April and among the various papers read, the following two were Franciscan in content St. Brown, Pseudo-Diof!Ysius's influence on St. Bonaventure's "Itinerarium mentís in Deum': and WJ. Hoye, Die Vereinigung mit dem ganz!ich Unbekannten nach der Inte,pretation von Bonaventura, Thomas von Aquin undNikolaus von Kues. Toe Nacional Council of the "Serra Italiano" met at San Giovanni Ro– tondo (Foggia) on 9-11 April for its seventh National Congress, declicated to the theme Qua/e Serra ne/la Chiesa per un nuovo umanesimo? One of the speakers was V. Criscuolo, 11francescanesimo ne/la storia dell'umanita cristiana da San Francesco, attraverso Junipero Serra, sino a Padre Pio. On 19 June in Cesena the same speaker took part in the opening of the local "Serra Club" and gave the lectute Junipero Serra, missionariofrancescano ei Serra Club. Toe forti.eth Anniversary of the proclamation of St Lawrence of Brindisi a Doctor of the Church provided the occasion for the Theological Study ''Laurentianum" of the Friars Minor Capuchin in Venice to organise a Congress with the programme: Bemardino de Armellada, La figura e /'opera di S. LorenZP da Brindisi; P. Zilio, Gli scritti di S. Lorenzo da Brindisi; B. de Armellada, La spiritua– lita di S. Lorenzo; F. Gambetti, Filosofta ed ermeneutica biblica in S. Lorenzo da Brindi– si: le ''Dissertationes" della ''Explanatio in Genesim'! C. Pavero, Le note della vera Chie– sa ne/la "1.Jttheranismi Hypotyposis" di S. LorenZfJ. On 19-22 April in J erusalem the Cultural Commission "Comitato di Jeru– salem per il Grande Giubileo del 2000" held its third session of its "Quattrogiorni", with Dio Padre del Signare Nostro Gesú Cristo as its central theme. Toe aspect of biblical revelation was dwelt upon by the professors of the "Studium Biblicum Franciscanum": A. Niccacci, La figura di Dio Padre nell'Antico Testamento, G. Bissoli, La figura di Dio Padre ne/la prospettiva dei Vangeli sinottici; A.M. Buscemi, Dio Padre in S. Paolo. Cf. Riv. Liturg. 86 (1999) 823-829. Toe Franciscan sanctuary ofVema (Arezzo, Italy) was on 5-8 May host to a meeting of historians, convened under the auspices of the "Comitato Religio– ni e Ambiente" and the Higher School of Mecliaeval and Franciscan Stuclies of the Athenaeum Antonianum in Rome. Toe meeting focussed its attention on Itinerarium Montis Alverniae and it was expatiated upon by: G. Miccoli, La Verna ne/la vita di Francesco; C. Paolazzi, La Verna di Francesco e Bonaventura ne/la Divina Commedia; Stanislao da Campagnola, La Verna ne/la storiografia; S. Borchi, Pro.filo