
322 ISIDORO DE VILLAPADIERNA In Assisi at the "Cenacolo Francescano" a seminat-curn-retreat was hosted under the auspices of the Secretariat for Evangelisation OFMCap. on the theme Comunicatori della Parola. The conferences, followed by discussion, were: C. Car– gnoni, Fraternita e itineranZfl ne/le Fonti Francescane per una interiorita del carisma, and Modi della comunicaz!one della Parola ne/la tradiz!one francescano-cappuccina: valori per il presente; Mons. L. Chiarinelli, Comunicatori della Parola inviati dalla Chiesa: aspetti ec– clesiali dell'evangelizzaz!one; G. Manera, L'équipe missionaria luogo visibile di. testimo– nianZflfraterna e di minorita: la suaforza di annuncio. See above, 233. On 12-13 February the Depattment of Philosophy of the University of Milan, with the patticipation of the "Centre d'Études des Religions du Livre" of the CNRS, got up a Congress in :tvfilan on John lVyclif: Logic, Politics, Theology. Be– cause of topical interest we refer to only two of the several papers read there: R. Lambertini, La questione della poverta francescana in Fitzralph e lVyclif: a/cune osserva– z!oni, and K Walsh, From friendship to conflict: John lVyclifs relations with the Mendi– cant Friars. The California Mission Studies Association met together for its sixteenth Annual Conference from 12 to 14 February at Mission Santa Ines in Solvang, California. We have not had access to its programme. At Monchengladbach (Germany) on 22-23 Match, the "Johannes-Duns– Skotus Akademie für franziskanische Geistesgeschichte und Spiritualitat" held its biennial meeting on the subject Menschwerdung Gottes - Hojfnung des Menschen. Ein Beitrag zum Jahr 2000 nach der Geburt Jesu Christi. The papers delivered were: J. Schneider, Inkarnation bei Franz!skus und Klara von Assisz; D. Wiederkehr, Die Menschwerdung Gottes (von der Theologie her); J. Schlageter, Inkarnation bei Johannes Duns Skotus und Petrus Johannes O/ivi; A. Vos Jascen, Inkarnation und Reinkarnation; H. Veldhuis, Inkarnation und Entwicklung des Menschen; B. Langemeyer, Inkarnation und Fragilitat des Menschen. The twenty-sixth Annual Sewanee Medieval Colloquium that took place on 26-27 Match, was dedicated to the theme Last Things: Apocafypse Judgement, Millennium and Millenarism. One of its sessions entitled Franciscan inte,pretations oJ the Apocafypse, comprised the papers: J.V. Fleming, Two voices oJFranciscan Apoca– !Jptism; D. Burr, Angelo Clareno's Apoca!Jptic Timetable; L. Hunt, HeatJrom the An– gel's coa/: Saint francis as the Prophet Isaiah and Herald oJBonaventure's Sixth Age. At Stroncone (f erni, Italy) there took place on 27 Match the seventh Symposium on Blessed Anthony Vici of Stroncone, a Friar Observant (t 1461), sponsored by the Friars Minor of the Umbrian Seraphic Province in collabora– tion with our Historical Institute, at which the speakers were: S. Gieben,