
CHRONICLE OF 1999 321 Analecta: 46. M. Pazzini, Grammatica siriaca (188 p.); 47. E. Cortese, Deuterono– mistic Work. In the Collectio Maior. 40. Michele Piccirillo - Eugenio Alliata, The Madaba Map Centenary 1897-1997. Travelling through Byzantine Umqya Period. Pro– ceedings of the International Congress held in Amman 7-9 April 1997 (278 p., plates, ills.). In the Collectio Minar. 36. I. Peña - P. Castellana - R. Femández, Inventaire du Jébel Wastani. Recherches archéologiques dans la région des Vil/es Martes de la Syrie du Nord. The Pontifical Faculty of Theology "San Bonaventura" of the Conventual Fathers in Rome, ever committed to teaching and to the publishing of its re– puted review Miscellanea Francescana, which has reached its vol. 99, celebrated in the customary mánner on 13 Match the feast of its patton Saint. The academic part of the celebration consisted of the conference by Prof. Faustino Ossanna: I rapporti di Antonio Rosmini con l'Ordine dei Frati Minori Conventuali ( see Comm. OFMConv. 96 [1999] 125s). The Academic Year 1999-2000 was inaugurated on 9 October, on which occasion Prof. M. Impagliazzo ttaced the more significant stages of the Jubilees in the history of the Church and A. Pompei underscored the theological motives of the Jubilee as an event of faith and of ecclesial life (cf. ibid., 321; and statistics of the Faculty during 1998-99, 317-321). The pub– lishing house ''Miscellanea Francescana" has augmented the series of the Theological Faculty with the releasing of new titles: in the series I Maestrifrance– scani: 10. L. Iammarrone, Giovanni Duns Scoto metaftsico e teologo. Le tematiche fonda– mentali della suaftloso.fta eteologia (910 p., see Col/. Franc. 69 [1999] 726-728); 11. L. Veuthey, Met'!ftsica di speranza. Adattamento moderno del pensiero francescano (XXXVII-700 p., see Mise. Franc. 99 [1999] 721s). In the series Cristologia has appeared: E. Scognamiglio, JI cammino dell'uomo. L 'itinerario spirituale di Khalil Gi– bran ( 491 p., see Mise. Franc. cit., 724-727). II. MEETINGS, CONFERENCES, SYMPOSIA AND COURSES On 4-5 January the Capuchin Province of Naples, in collaboration of our Historical Institute, organised in Nola a symposium entitled I Frati Cappuccini della Provincia di Napoli ne/ '500, with the following topics in focus: P. Zarrella, Origini e sviluppo dei Cappuccini della Provincia di Napoli ne/ '500; F. Masttoianni, I Cappuccini ela riforma della Chiesa; V. Criscuolo, I Cappuccini della Provincia di Napoli ne/ '500 e la cultura; F. Masttoianni, Le Ordinazjoni di A/bacina e le Prime Costituzjo– ni; P. Zarrella, Gregorio To/osa daNapoli (f 1602), teologo egiurista.