
320 ISIDORO DE VIILAPADIERNA disegni del Museo Francescano. Inventario (253 p., ills.); 12. Clara Bruins, Chiara d¼sisi come ''altera Maria': Le miniature della vita di santa Chiara ne! manoscritto Thennenbach4 di Karlsruhe (51 p. + 47 plates and ills.). Series Varia: 21. Mariano D'Alatri, I Cappuccini della Provincia Romana (1999, 297 p.), presented at Orvieto on 20 December by V. Criscuolo. The General Definitory of the Friars Minor, recognising the importance that the scientific and publishing activities of the St Bonaventure College ("Frati Editori di Quaracchi'') at Grottaferrata (Rome) has for the Order, decided on 14 January, with a view to capacitating them still further, to restructure the College into three Departments: Department of critica! editions of Franciscan texts (Quaracchi); Historical department (Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, Analecta Franciscana, Bullarium Franciscanum, Sínica Franciscana), and Department of philosophical and theological Franciscan doctrine. The Definitory has, moreover, nominated an ad hoc Commission for the drafting of the new statu– tes. See Acta OFM 118 (1999) 25 and 28. The Editiones of the College have opened a new series, Co!lectio 0/iviana, of which the 2 first volumes are already out: 1. A Ciceri, Petri Johannis 0/ivi Opera. Censimento dei manoscritti (248 p.; see above, 241-242); 2. Petri Johannis 0/ivi Expositio in Canticum Canticorum. Curavit Johannes Schlageter (345 p.; see above, 242). With the decree of 2 February the Congregation for Catholic Education nominated as Rector of the Athenaeum Antonianum of the Friars Minar (Rome) Fr Marco Nobile, professor of the Athenaeum from 1983, editor of the review Antonianum, Vice Rector (1993-96); he was installed in office on 24 of the same month along with the new Vice Rector Vincenzo Battaglia. Cf. Acta OFM 118 (1999) 28-30. On 8 October the Academic Year 1999-2000 was in– augurated, and in arder to mark the birth Centennial of the illustrious theolo– gian Carla Balié an international Symposium was organised on 8-9 November (see II, below, and alsoAnton. 74 [1999] 752-782). Among the publications of the Antonianum we would like to indicate M. Conti, JI codice di comunione dei Frati Minori. Introdu~one e commento alfa R.egola (Bi– bliotheca Pontificii Athenaei Antoniani, 36) (427 p., revised edition of Lettura bíblica della R.egola francescana, 1977). The Franciscan Institute of Spirituality of the Athenaeum has published vol. 14 of its series Dimensioni spirituali: Roberto Cuvato, Mattia Bellintani da Salo (1534-1611). Un cappuccino tra ilpu/pito e lastrada (Eclizioni Collegio S. Lorenzo - Laurentianum, 489 p.; see above, 257-259). - The "Studium Biblicum Franciscanum" of Jerusalem, a parallel branch of the Theological Faculty of the Athenaeum Antonianum, has four new publications to its credit, printed at the Franciscan Printing Press in Jerusalem. In the series