
CHRONICLE SELECT NEWS OF FRANCISCAN SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES IN 1999 I. SCIENTIFIC INSTIWTES Our Historical Institute has a new team of superiors, appointed by the General Minister on 25 March for a triennium: President, Fr Servus Gieben of the Dutch Province, from 1953 staff member of the Institute and formerly its President between 1971 and 1977; Vice-President, Fr Vincenzo Criscuolo of the Basilicata-Salemo Province, joined the Institute in 1984 and has been its President from 1990-1999. The formal installation of the two took place on 5 April. - After 33 long years at the Institute, our venerable philosopher and mediaevalist Fr Camille Bérubé, having turned 90, yet enjoying good health and continuíng in efficiency, sought permission to retum to his Province of Eastern Canada. On 8 June he was given the official farewell and on 28 he was on board for his destination. With regard to the scientific activities of the Institute, it needs to be said that they have achieved remarkable success: besides the publication of the re– view Co!!ectanea Franciscana 69 (1999) 878 p., the readying of vol. XXII of the Bibliographia Franciscana 1998 for press, and the collaboration with various sym– posia, 10 new titles have been added to the Institute's publications. In the series Monumenta Historica Ordinis Minontm Capuccinontm: 26. I Cappuccini e la Congrega– zjone romana dei Vescovi e fugolari. VIII: 1624-1629, a cura di Vincenzo Criscuolo (672 p.). In the series Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccincr. 57. I Frati Minori Cappuccini in Basilicata e ne/ Salernitanofra '500 e '600, a cura di V. Criscuolo (474 p.); 58. Luca Parisoli, Volontarismo e diritto soggettivo. La nascita medievale di una teoria dei diritti ne/la scolastica francescana (316 p.); 59. Chiara Mercuri, Santita e propaganda. II Terz'ordine Jrancescano nell'agiografia osseroante (192 p.); 60. Clavis scientiae. Miscellanea di studi efferti a Isidoro Agudo da Villapadierna in occasione del suo 80 º compleanno, a cu– ra di V. Criscuolo (596 p.); 61. Pietro Maranesi, Nescientes litteras. L'ammonizjone della Regolajrancescana e la questione degli studi nell'Ordine (sec. XIII-XVI) (405 p.). In the series Bibliotheca ascetico-mystica: 8. Yannis Spiteris, Francesco e /'Oriente cristiano. Un co,ifronto (159 p.). In the series Iconographiafranciscancr. 11. Kees van Dooren, I