
334 ISIDORO DE VILl,APADIERNA tions, formally concluded on 10 October at the Saint's sanctuary in Arenas de San Pedro. In Brindisi (Italy) on the occasion of the fortieth Anniversary of the return of the Capuchin Friars and the inauguration of the parish church of "Ave Maris Stella", the State Archives of Brindisi and the Parish together put on display a collection of photographs and documents, of which the catalogue of the docu– mentary sources have been made available to the public: II ritorno a Brindisi dei Frati Cappuccini e la costruzjone della chiesa "Ave Maris Stella': Lo sviluppo del rione Ca– sale e l'istituzjone della sua parrocchia. Brindisi, Archivio di Stato, 1999. 297 p., ill. The volume was released on 14 December. On the occasion of the celebration of his 80 th Birthday, the Emeritus Bishop of Novo Hamburgo (Brazil) Boaventura Kloppenburg, Friar Minar, theologian and writer, founder of the R.evista Eclesiástica Brasileira, was felicitated with two miscellanies: Frei Boaventura Kloppenburg, 80 anos per Cristo em sua Igfo/ª· Lajeada, RS, 1999, 448 p.; "Sub umbris fideliter': Festschrift em homenagem a Frei Boaventura K.Joppenbur;g. Porto Alegre, Editora da Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 1999, 520 p. Isidoro Agudo de Villapadiema, Capuchin of the Province of Castile, staff member of the Order's Historical Institute since 1953 and General Archivist since 1970, was honoured on his 80 th Birthday with the publication of the com– pilation Clavis scientiae, which has been enumerated above among the publica– tions of the Institute. To the Friar Minar Conventual Vergilio Gamboso of the Paduan Prov– ince, renowned specialist and editor of the Fonti agiogrcifiche antoniane, the "Centro Studi Antoniani" of Padua dedicated the fascicle 1-2 of its review II Santo: Miscellanea di studi in onore di p. Ver;gilio Gamboso ne/ suo 70 ºgenetliaco (625 p.). Jürgen Werinhard Einhom, a Friar Minar of the Holy Cross Province of Saxony, was honoured on his 65º Birthday with a "Festgabe" (Saxonic1 I'rancis– cana, 12), which has been already indicated above, 329. His Holiness Pope John Paul II has, through the Secretary of State, ap– pointed several members of the Franciscan Family to offi.ces in the Roman Cu– ria: 30 January 1999, Giovanni Iammarrone, OFMConv., and Maurizio Fag– gioni, OFM, consultores of the Congregation of Faith "ad quinquennium"; 20 June, Francesco Costa, OFMConv., and Ubaldo Terrinoni, OFMCap., consul– tores of the Congregation of the Causes of Saints "in aliud quinquennium"; 27 July, Anicetus Bongsu Antonius Sinaga (Bishop of Sibolga), OFMCap., member of the Congregation for Divine Cult and Discipline of Sacraments "ad quin– quennium"; 20 September, Giuseppe Sirna, OFMConv., consultor of the same