
CHRONICLE OF 1999 333 Francesco tra liberta epoverta, and D. Portera, L'idea di museo. Da luogo della memoria a luogo ecclesiale, enriched the occasion. The theatrical troupe of the ''Petit Pauvre", to commemorate the 50 th death Anniversary of Jacques Copeau, the playwright of the celebrated Le Petit Pauvre, planned out between June and October eight staging of the work in París and elsewhere, which will be performed in 2000 also in Belgium, Switzer– land and Canada. The performance of Lu santo jullare Francesco by the Nobel laureate Darlo Fo on 8 July at the "Festival dei Due Mondi" of Spoleto (Italy) provoked dis– cord on account of the characterisation of the figure of the Poverello. A disap– proving criticism by the Friar Minor Tommaso Toschi may be read in L'Osservatore Romano of 15.VII.1999, p. 3, while a rejoinder and self-defence of Fo appeared in the Corriere della Sera 2.VIII., p. 21. A more balanced critlcism by the Jesuit Virgilio Fantuzzi was published in the Civilta Cattolica 150/111 (1999) 504-513. From 1 to 16 October Lyon was host to the mise en scene of the production of the "Théatre du Verseau", Sous le lumiere d'.Arsise, a quintuple variation on Francis ofAssisi by Patrick Dubost. The theatrical piece by F. Agnello S. Fmnfois d'.Arsise - Les Fioretti, which has been a success story in the recent years, has again had its enactment from 31 October to 26 December in the crypt of the Parisian church of Saint– Sulpice. It does the "Centro Studi Antoniani" of Padua credit that it has brought out the two-tome work: Catalogo del Fondo Musicale della Biblioteca del Sacro Con– vento di S. Francesco d'.Arsisi. Fondo delMaestro di Cappella. A cura di Fausto e Fran– cesca Tuscano. I: A-P. 11: Q-Z. (Fonti e Studi Francescani, VIII - Inventari, 5) (987 p., see above 316s.). The work was recently presented (1 April 2000) at As– sisi, on the occasion ofwhich the following two papers were read: B. Brumana, Fonti d'archivio e ricerca musicologica: Francesco Maria Zuccari adAssisi e la corrisponden– za con Padre G.B. Martini-, M.N. Massaro, Musica e musicisti tra le sediJrancescane di Assisi, Bologna ePadova. IV. CELEBRATIONS, AWARDS AND APPOINTMENTS The celebration of the fifth Centenary of the birth of St Peter of Alcántara already begun in 1997 with the holding of various religious and academic func-