
332 ISIDORO DE VIILAPADIERNA [1999] 796-798). The meeting was chaired by the President of our Institute, S. Gieben, and was addressed by G. Arnaldi, O. Capitani, Ch. Frugoni and G. Todeschini. It was in Bologna at the Friary of "Osservanza" that the book of Fra' Lui– gi Rinieri, Memorie del convento dell'Osseroanza di Bologna, a cura di M. Poli e M. Rubbini (CXXN-559 p.; see above, 280s) took place on 10 October. The spea– kers were Stanislao da Campagnola, La rea/ta francescana ne! Settecento, and G. Muzzarelli, l francescani a Bologna: predicazjone, impatto socia/e, rapporto cultura/e. See VitaMin. 59 (1999) 463-469. Coinciding with the fifth birth Centennial of St Peter of Alcántara an ico– nographic exhibition, entitled San Pedro de Alcántara, V Centenario, was opened on 25 April at the sanctuary of the Saint in Arenas de San Pedro (Avila, Spain). At the inauguration Prof. Salvador Andrés Ordax of the University of Vallado– lid, gave a conference San Pedro de Alcántara en el arte. See Arch. lb. Amer. 59 (1999) 399s. leones Clarae was the title given to the cultural and artistic display put on at the Diocesan Museum of the Episcopal Palace of Brixen/Bressanone (Italy) from 26 June to 31 October. The pictures and the other items exposed belong to the local monastery of the Poor Ciares (see above, 306s). A collection of pieces of Medieval and Renaissance Art lent by the Basilica of St Francis of Assisi was on display from 15 July to 15 October in the Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco (United States). Previously it had been exhibited in N ewYork. In thc "Galleria del Cantico" attached to the sanctuary of San Darniano in Assisi was staged from 19 September to 7 November the 34 th "Festa del Can– tico" and in connection with it there was also an exhibition of the painter Gian– carlo Vitali's L.e stagioni della vita. On 20-21 September in Foligno (Perugia) there was a gathering of specia– lists for studying and consequently constituting a "Commissione Beni Culturali Cappuccini Italiani", during the course ofwhich S. Gieben, the President of our Historical Institute, gave a talk on J beni cu!tura!i artisticiJrancescani e la loro cataloga– zjone. The same President discoursed upan La Croce conJrate E!ia di Giunta Pisano at the internacional Congress ll cantiere pittorico della Basílica superiore di San France– sco in Assisi, hosted in Assisi on 22-24 September. In Cefalú (Palermo) on the initiative of the "Centro di Cultura e Spiritua– lita Duns Scoto" of the Capuchin Fathers, the presentation ofMons. C. Valen– ziano's book L'arte deipoveri ne/Museo Fra Giammaria da Tusa dei Frati Minori Cap– puccini in Gibilmanna took place on 23 September. With their lectures A. Musco,