
CHRONICLE OF 1999 331 The "Serie Mayor" of the Franciscan Theological Institute of the Friars Minor in Murcia (Spain) has been further enriched w:ith its vol. 30: Femando Uribe, Introducción a las hagiogrefías de San Francisco y Santa Clara de Asís (siglos XI.II y XIV) (587 p.; see above, 185-192). The University of "Sao Francisco" of Braganza Paulista (Sao Paulo, Bra– zil), together w:ith the Catholic Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, has projected the issuance of 30 works of Franciscan authors as reference books for the study of philosophy and theology, the first three of which saw the light of day in 1999: 1. Boaventura de Bagnoregio, Escritos filosófico-teológicos. Introduc;:ao, notas e traduc;:iio de L. De Boni e J. Jerkovic (Porto Alegre, Editora da Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 386 p.); 2. Guilherme de Ockham, Obras políticas. Traduc;:iio, apresentac;:iio e notas de A. Camango de Sousa (254 p.); 3. Guilherme de Ockham, Lógica dos termos. Traduc;:iio de F. de Almeida Fleck. The same University in Porto Alegre has brought out in its Collection Pensadores Gaúchos vol. 5: Pacífico de Bellevaux [Capuchin t 1957], Criteriologia. Uma teoría do conhecimento. Second edition by R. Costa (236 p.) and in the "Colec;:iio Filosófica" vol. 96: R. Gurizoli, A metf!física no 'Tractatus de Primo Principio" de Duns Escoto (134 p.). It often happens that the presentation of books occasions also the staging of symposia or other academic and cultural meetings of high standard, at which experts illustrate the thematically focal points of the works released. On 8 May at Todi (Italy) on the initiative of the Capuchin friars of the Umbrian Provi.nce, there took place the presentation of Giro/amo Mautini da Narni e l'Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccinifra '500 e '600, a cura di Vincenzo Cri– scuolo (Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccina, 56). Roma, Istituto Storico dei Cap– puccini, 1998, 474 p. (see Col!. I~anc. 68 [1998] 345-348). The presenting was done by besides the editor, S. Stroppa and G. Casagrandc, professors of the University ofTurin and Pemgia respectively. In Citta di Castello (Pemgia) on 28 May the book of Marisa Borchiellini, Veronica Giuliani. Ll fiamma dell'amore ("Le Colline della Speranza". Itinerari di santita femminile in Umbría). Citta di Castello, Casa Editrice Edimond, 1999, 136 p. (see above, 310s), was ceremoniously presented, at which function pro– grammed by the publishers, Bishop Mgr P.T. Ronchi and Professors G. Man– gani, N. Giandomenico and V. Corelli took the floor. On the same day, 28 May, there took place in Rome at the Palazzo Gi– ustiniani the releasing of Paolo Evangelisti's book Fidenzjo da Padova e la letteratu– ra crociato-missionaria minoritica. Strategie e modelliJrancescani per il dominio (XIII-XV sec.). Bologna, Societa Editrice il Mulino, 1998. LII-362 p. (see Col!. Franc. 69