
CHRONICLE OF 1999 329 A team of specialists from the USA belonging to the three Franciscan Fitst Orders have been reviewing and reediting on the basis of a new structure, the English Omnibus of the sources for the life of St Francis (1973). 1bis new pre– sentation of the Franciscan sources, now entitled: Francis of A.rsisi: Bar/y docu– ments will comprise three volumes, of which the first is already out, and is now in review (see above, 199-203). The Franciscan Institute of St. Bonaventure University at St. Bonaven– ture, N.Y., has along with its other works on Franciscan spirituality, pub– lished: Robert J. Karris, The Admonitions of St. Francis. Sources and Meanings (316 p.); B. Ioannis Duns Scoti Operaphilosophica. I. Quaestiones in librum Po,phyrii Isagoge et quaestiones super Praedicamenta Aristotelis. Edited by R. Andrews, G. Etzkom [et alii] (652 p.). The "Libraitie Philosophique J. Vrin" of Paris has brought out the pro– ceedings of the last and important Congress on Olivi: Pierre de ]ean 0/ivi (1248- 1298). Pensée scolastique, dissidence spirituelle et société. Actes du col/oque de Narbonne (mars 1998). Edité par A. Boureau et S. Piton (412 p.; see above, 237-240). The Holy Cross Province of the Friars Minor in Germany has augmented its historical series Saxonia Franciscana edited by D. Berg and printed in Werl, Dietrich-Coelde-Verlag, with the publication of three new volumes: 11: Dieter Berg, Armut und Geschichte. Studien Z!'r Geschichte der Bettelorden im Hohen und Spiiten Mittelalter (450 p.); 12. Jürgen W. Einhom, KunstErzjehung. Literatur, Kunst und Schulpraxis in franzjskanischer Perspektive. Festgabe Z!'m 65. Geburtstag, hrsg. von D. Berg (467 p. + 134 ills.; 31 collected studies of the Author from 1961 to 1998); Sonderband: Spuren franzjskanischer Geschichte. Chronologischer Abrifí der Geschichte der Siichsischen Fran~skane,provinzen von ihren Anflingen bis Z!'r Gegenwart. Bearbeitet von B. Schmies - K. Rakemann, hrsg. von D. Berg (XVI-866 p., ills.). The first issue of the annual bulletin Franciscana, published by the Interna– tional Society of Franciscan Studies of Assisi and entrusted to the "Centro Ita– liano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo" of Spoleto (see above, 215-217) has been re– leased. The same "Centro" has, on behalf of the Intemational Society and the Inter-University Centre of Franciscan Studies, published the acts of the XXVI lntemational Congress held at Assisi on 15-17 October 1998: Etica epolitica: le teorie dei Frati mendicanti ne/ Due e Trecento (Atti dei Convegni, XXVI - Nuova se– rie, 5) (X-322 p.). It is in place here to indicate vol. 4 of the series Medioevo francescano - Saggi of the prolific ''Edizioni Porziuncola" of the Friars Minor at Santa Maria degli Angeli -Assisi: Stanislao da Campagnola, Francesco e .francescanesimo ne/la societa dei secoli XIII-XIV (XII-484 p.; see Col/. Franc. 69 [1999] 727s) and vol. 8 of the se-