328 ISIDORO DE V1LLAPADIERNA Province of Pordenone. From 9 to 26 November Pordenone played host to the refresher Course for teachers, Padre Marco d'Aviano edil suo tempo, consisting of 7 lectures, sorne of which were: G.B. Altan, La figura di Padre Marco d'Aviano e la dinastía degli Asburgo; F. Metz, Religiositd epresenza dei Frati Cappuccini nel corso del Seicento ne! Friu!i occidentale; D. Castellano, Padre Marco d'Aviano edilproblema Eu– ropa; G.C. Testa, L'assedio di Vienna (1683) e la ritirata dei Turchi; V. Criscuolo, Padre Marco d'Aviano ne! contesto della storia e della spiritualitd della seconda meta del Sei– cento. On 25 November Father V. Criscuolo, the Vicar of our Historical Insti– tute, presented the book (Italian translation) of Maria Héyret, Padre Marco d'Aviano (Padova, Edizioni Messaggero, 1999, 512 p., ill.). - Furthermore, in Pordenone the day of 27 November too was dedicated to the memory of the Venerable, by holding a Seminar in two parts entitled Il Seicento e la spiritualitd di Marco d'Aviano: a historical analysis consisting of 3 lectures aimed at the stu– dents of secondary schools and a meeting with 4 talks: M. Cassese, Ordini religio– si e spiritualitd ne! Seicento; S. Cavazza, Aspetti dell'opera di Marco d'Aviano per una ri– lettura storica; V. Criscuolo, Biograjie di Marco d'Aviano tra agiograjia e storicitd; A. Bellavite, 11 tema della conversione in 1'vfarco d'Aviano per il cammino del Grande Giubileo. - On the occasion of the Centennial of Fr Marco of Aviano L'Osservatore Ro– mano of 13 August set aside pages 4-5 with 6 studiesin his honour. See also the same newspaper of 14.VIII, p. 6 and of 24.XII., p. 4. In Rome a special nacional committee has chalked out various pro– grammes for the years 1999-2001 to commemorate the fifth Centenary of the pontificate of Alexander VI (1492-1503). The first of such was the Meeting en– titled Roma di fronte all'Europa al tempo di Alessandro VI, that took place on 1-4 December. Among the papers presented on 3 December was the one of P. Guerrini, La produzjone artística dei conventi amadeiti. III. PUBLICATIONS, CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES With regard to what has been brought out during the course of 1999 in the area of Franciscanism, a quasi exhaustive information will be available in vol. XXIII, already at the advanced stage of preparation, of Bibliographia l'ranciscana, published by our Historical Institute. In the meantime one can have access to the more important publications through the book reviews and the commen– dations proffered in the sdentific Franciscan periodicals. We limit ourselves to indicating as samples a few of the very many significant works.
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