CHRONICLE OF 1999 327 The Intemational Society of Franciscan Stuclies held its twenty-seventh Intemational Congress at Assisi on 14-16 October, with the theme Da/pu/pito alfa cattedra. I vescovi degli Ordini mendicanti ne/ '200 e ne/ primo '300 and with the following programme: A. Rigon, Vescovi frati ofrati vescovi?; E. Pásztor, I ponteftci romani ei vescovi mendicanti; G. Andenna, I primi veicovi domenicani efrancescani; G.M. Varanini, Episcopato, societa e Ordini mendicanti in Italia settentrionale-, M. Ronzani, Episcopato, societa e Ordini mendicanti in Italia centra/e; G. Vitola, Episcopato, societa e Ordini mendicanti in Italia meridionale-, F.J. Felten, I vescovi mendicanti neipaesi di lingua tedesca; J. Paul, I vescovi mendicanti in Francia; RN. Swanson, I vescovi mendicanti nelle Isole britanniche-, D. Quaglioni, F.ijlessi ecclesiologici e canonici del/'ascesa deifrati alfe cat– tedre episcopali; C.D. Fonseca, Discorso conclusivo. To commemorate the first birth Centenary of the renowned Friar Minar Carla Balié (1899-1977), formerly Professor and Rector of the Athenaeum Antonianum, President of the Scotist Commission and Founder of the Pontifi– cal Internacional Marian Academy, an Intemational Symposium entitled 'Memoria eius in benedictione" was organised in Rome on 8-9 November by the Pontifical Athenaeum Antonianum, in collaboration with the Pontifical Inter– nacional Marian Academy, the Scotist Commission, and under the patronage of the Pontifical Council of Culture. We deem it befitting to copy out the entire programme here: R Laurentin, Padre Balié al servizjo di Maria e della Chiesa; E. Toniolo, P. Balié e il Vaticano II; L. Gambero, L'Accademia Mariana e i Congressi Mariologici-Mariani Internazjonali; G. Bini, Attualita della figura di P. Cario Balif, B. Hekié, Gli studi del P. Balié su/ Beato Giovanni Duns Scoto e l'edizjone critica del/e sue opere; A. Pompei, II Beato Giovanni Duns Scoto e l'Immacolata Concezjone; Bemardino García de Armellada, P. Balié e i Congressi assunzjonisticifrancescani; C. Del Zotto, Gli studi mariologicifrancescani; A. Amato, La mariologia oggi; P. Melada, Testimonian– za su P. Balif, F. Uribe, Le prospettive del Simposio. Cf. L'Osservatore &mano 2- 3JCT.1999, p. 9. In Rome on 18 November the Pontifical Oriental Institute held a Sympo– sium The Synod of Diamper: 400 Years after. The lessons of history were given by specialists, one of whom was Beneclict Vadakkekara, member of our Historical Institute, whose paper was The Synod of Diamper in historicalperspective. The third Centennial of the death of Venerable Marco of Aviano, the Capuchin apostle of the united Christian Europe against the Ottoman threat in the last decades of the XVII cent., was celebrated in August with religious fes– tivities in Aviano (Pordenone, Italy) and Vienna (Austria), and also with various cultural initiatives, patronised by the "Comitato P. Marco d'Aviano" for the third Centennial and the Beatification, the Municipality of Aviano, and the
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