326 ISIDORO DE VILLAPADIERNA spiritual Journry; M. Meany, Francis: Ufo and Charism; M. Carney, Rule and Ufo of the Third Order Regular. The same Franciscan Institute dedicated its Nacional Franciscan Forum organised in Colorado Springs from 8 to 13 June, to the theme Franciscans doing Scripture. The Internacional Medieval Sermon Studies Society together with the Uni– versity of Padua and the "Centro Studi Antoniani" of Padua planned out in this city from 14 to 18 July the twelfth Medieval Sermon Studies Symposium on the subject Preaching and Society in the Middle Ages: Ethics, Values and social Behaviour. From the list of the talks we highlight the following: A. Di Maio, 11paradigma francescano della "laude del/e virtú" ne/la predicazjone di Antonio e di, Bonaventura; D. Gallo - N. Giové, Circolazjone libraria e cultura dei Jrancescani ne/la Padova del Due– ccnto dai codi,ci antoniani. The Franciscan Federation Third Order Regular had its 34 th Annual Con– ference at Columbus, Ohio, from 17 to 20 August on the theme The Universe: Discovenng the Heart of God. The keynote speakers were I. Delio and W. Stoeger. The Nacional Biblical Week XXII, by now an annual event of the "Movimento Nacional da Dinamiza~ao Bíblica" of the Capuchin Fathers of Portugal, took place on 22-27 August at Fátima (Portugal) and its proceedings, which hadas theme A EncarnafiiO, glorificafiiO da Santíssima Trindade, are published in the review Bíblica, Série Cientffica n. 8 (1999) 216 p. In Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve on 8-11 September, the "Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte" organised a Symposium on the theme Avicenna and his Heri– tage. Two of the papers are indicated here: J.-M. Counet, L, réception d'Avicenne dans la métapf?ysique de Duns Scot, and Th.-A. Druart, Causation in Avicenna and in Duns Scotus' Proojfar the existence of God. At the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, on 17-18 September was held the Conference on Christian Philosophy, of which the subject Contem– porary Philosopf?y and the Franciscan Tradition was elucidated by M. McCord (Y ale University), A. Wolter (Franciscan Institute of St. Bonaventure University) and T. Noone (Catholic University ofAmerica). There took place on 4- 7 October an Internacional Frandscan Congress at Cintermex, Monterrey (Nuevo León, Mexico) entitled El hombre frente alfuturo - Visión franciscana de la vida. The list of the conférenciers included: Th. Matura, El hombre como ser abierto; K Osborne, Religión y cultura; H. Punsmann, El hombre co– mo ser social; Mgr. C. Amigo Vallejo, Hacia una cultura de la solidaridad; F. Martínez, Cristocentrismo y creación; J .A. Merino, Relación hombre-naturaleza: hacia una ética am– biental;] .A. Abrisqueta, Calidad de viday salud. - Cf. ICAM - Información Capuchi– nas México 4 (1999) n. 22, 229-235.
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