
TRES ESTILOS DE HACER FILOSOFÍA Y TEOLOGÍA 85 sito, que desearíamos fuera un logro en nuestros días, lo leemos en el lema, si se le actualiza, que Camille Béruhé puso al frente de su laboriosa colección de estudios: De la philosophie a la sagesse. SUMMARY. - Stimulated by the work of Bérubé: From Philosophy to Wis– dom, the Author who has been interested for decades by the relationship between wisdom and philosopy, attempts a synthesis of the three ways to make a philosophy anda theology, in function of the actual needs of Christian thought and Franciscan tradition. Ancient Wisdom: prophets and poets. Heidegger underlined that wisdom should be a dialogue between man and Being, but he failed in the making of Being the common being of metaphysics instead of the Sacred Being, as do the biblical prophets who were the watchmen and shepherds. The sapiential books always oscillate between intuition and reason but with a predominancy marked by the intuitive, the direct action, as one learns to swim by swimming and not in making theories. Popular wisdom expresses itself under the form of refrains, adages and proverbs. Ancient prudence was an aureola of practical science characterized by the prudence relevant to observation, intuition more than to reason. After Aristotle, wisdom yielded a step to science and reason. Science for science replaced the ancient ideal of wisdom for life. Without a doubt the imme– diate sucessors: stoics, epicureans, sceptics attempted a return to the "paideia", but its continuity was put into question by the thomistic conception of theology as a speculative science as a knowledge for knowledge sake. M. de Unamuno accuses the scholastics of being "those horrible combinations of abstract rigid concepts, harnessed in its definitions". Bonaventure represents a reaction in favor of the sapiential meaning of theology, but with Scotus the decline of theology settled the Thomist meaning.