
GRATIA SANTIFICANTE Y ACCEPTATIÓN DIVINA SEGÚN B. MASTRI 271 a) Habitual grace, as created quality cannot have as natural effect the constitution of man as friend of God, etc. b) As created quality, habitual grace not even can be from itself the sole moral cause of the mentioned effects. e) To become moral cause grace needs the divine ordination or free acceptation, extrinsic to the reality of the grace as quality. Sorne suggestions for the development of the theology of grace: 1) The deepest reason of our supernatural union with God must be sought in a dimension different from created realities. 2) Justification of man as dependent from the free acceptation of God without objective transmutation of man, is perceived somehow by the present-day theologians. 3) Mastri's distinction between grace as quality and grace as grace opens a metaphysic way to the recently emphasized idea of the absolute primacy of uncreated grace. 4) Mastri's idea of acceptation, which he calls «extrinsic» as act of divine freedom, cannot be confounded with the Protestant doctrine of extrinsic imputation. It is a new existencial situation, in wlúch the human nature, body and soul, essentially capax Dei, through the divine acceptation becomes introduced as free person into the intimacy of God.