
96 III Abono en cuenta de un pedido concediendo descuento Lecaroz, April 26th. 1923. Dear Sir, Mr. Roque Ormazabal Bilbao. As per your letter of the 10th inst. I have the pleasure to send by the service motorcar the lot of balls you asked me for. The amount value Ptas. 540 is placed to your account. I allow you the greatest discount that I only give to my oldest clients in the hope that you will reserve for me a fair portion of your orders. I am, Dear Sir, IV Yours truly Julian Lasa. Aceptando el pago de una l..ietra Lecaros, 27th. of April 1923. Dear Sir, Mr. Carlos Basterra /run. I agree wiilingly with your letter of the 16th. inst. The bill wiII be acepted and duly honoured on presenta– tion as required. I am, Yours sincerely, Ignacio Urquijo.