92 VIII Se ruega se haga efectiva una carta de credito y se autoriza un descuento sabre su vaior por ir•i:,zon de gastos Lecdroe.. 27th Augus·l, 1923, lHessrs. Ezenarro & Co. Eibar. Gentlemen, Be good enough to furr_ish the bearer of this letter, Mr. Pedro Muzquiz, of C>ndarroa, with funds to the extent of ptas. 2.000, less the amount of your charges. Mr. Mnzquiz will pass through Eibar with his son on his way to Bilbao, and we shall esteem as a personal favour any attention you may show this gentleman. Please note your payments on the back oI thi:-; letter, and draw upon us al si}~:ht for them, sending us Mr. Muz. quiz's duplicate receipt in each instance. 'vVe remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient servants, Jrujo & Co.
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