
87 I Se niega la concesion de un descuento Lecaros, April 15th. 1923. Dear Sir, Mr. Francisco Iriarte Renteria. We much regret to inform you that it is impossible for us to grant you the usual settlement discounts. We have ne– ver granted those discounts to anybody yet, our goods being unique in thii; place. Excuse us the liberty we are taking of speaking to you in this manner. We are, Yours truly Jose de Aldas and Co. II Se niega la com:esion de un descuento por lo subido de las tarifas y derechos Lecaros, April 19th. 1923. Dear Sir, , Mr Isidro Orue Bilbao. We much regret to inform you, that it is impossible· for us to allow the discounts you mention, as the tariffs and du– ties of the goods, in which we deal, have suffered a conside– rable increase for the last season. You would oblige us by seeing your way to come to an understanding. Waiting for your kind ot·ders, We are, Yours truly Victor Marques and Co.