
75 XIV Giro recibido London, April 6th 19f/3. Dear Sir, 111.r. I acinto Landa Estella. ,We are•in receipt of your order of the 22nd. March to– gether with remittance of £ 6/ for which we thank you and enclose our receipt. , Your order is having our attention, and we will do our best to supply handle bars and grips covered with ebonite. We shall be pleased to draw for the balance of your or– der .at sight through the bank and trust that this will ,meet with your approval. Yours faithfully Cesareo Arbizu and Co. xv Se hace un giro para pagar una suscripciOn Lecdroe, December 7th 1923, Mr. Alfredo Ayestardn London. Dear Sir, I beg to enclose a postal order for £ 1 in payment of one year's subscription to your «Happer» magazine. I wish my subscription to begin from the first ofjanuary of next year, and I expect it will be sent regularly. Yours truly Miguel Iragui