
1his little volume is only the collection of the Spanish letters translated into. English. A"fter a moment of' hesita– tion, 1 rnade up my mind to gfoe this translation, firstly, that it may be used as teoet-book if desired, and then, to offer a consiilt book to boys. Now, a8 it is question of'letter11 for young people, and as most of our' cornmenialpupils ha-– ve but an elmentary knowledge of' the English language and a1·e 1iery o"{ten pressed for time_, I thought proper to rmt the indeoe and tlu! titles of the letters in Spanish. 1 believe that a considerable amount of time will be saved through that meanB, a8 boys 0 will easily realize where and what is a par·ticular letter about. May it prove as useful as 1 desire it to be,