VI ,:..w1so 31 11::.:prese.ntante para dar cuPso a los generos. Lecdt'OE, CJctober J_:r·t;f. 1021. 1Hr, Jose Gal!dstegai Paris. I have just reali',,: e: the purchase of a lot of cases of beer, ,md th,., .sc,nder, M.c H , informs me that they have been fJtopped ia the f-hrvre c:ustorn-f-li:ruse. Pkase. to cal! at dvt place to see lf there be any diffi– cuHies and to :3:::.nd. on the goods. ! h&,J: m 1 derstcn)d rhat the tariff and duty on the goods ln question ::,re v,~ry hi,::;h. I confer on you full pnwers as my t<:'.:presentatlve; and rdl (~xpenses v1il1 run to n1y account, 1-·hanking you in anticipation, Youn, truly Juan labarta.
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