
40 XXI S12 pide pr12c:ios de higos Lecciroz, f auna1y 7th 1922. Dear Sir, lvir. Francisco Urbieta Ler{n. I beg you to let me have as t,sual, the prices of Fraga figs in ten kilogramme cases. Awaiting for an answer, I am, XXII Yours truly Tonuis Irigoyen. Se piden informes sobre una casa de comercio Lecaroz, February 11th. 1922. Dear Sir, Mr. Miguel Cipitria Bilbao. I beg you to inform me of the fimmdal position of Mister Gomez, alcohol mannfacturer, a well known person in the trade of your town. Apologizing for troubling you and assuring you that the information with which you may favour me will be used with the utmost discretion, ! am, Yours faithfully lose Magaregui.