37 XVII lmposibilidad de ejecutar un pedido. Trabajo excesivo. Lecdroz, March 21st. 1928. Mr. Nicanor Zabaleta San Sebastian. Dear Sir, I confirm my letter of the 4th. inst. Sorry to say Jhave been informed that it will be impo– ssible for the manufacturers to execute your order until the middle of next month because of the many orders they receive for this season. I am, Yours truly, Eduardo Landa. XVIII' Anulando una orden anterior Lecdroz, April 2and. 1928. Dear Sir, Mr. Antonio Olazardn Pamplona. I acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 2nd. inst. and sorry to say that I am compelled to cancel my order of hydraulics as it is quite impossible for me to wait till the date you point me out, I am, Yours faithfully, Francisco Saenz.
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