
14 VI Se agradece la atenci6n de haber procurado un empieado Tolosa, March 9th. H)23. Mr. /uan Larrea Lecaroz, Dear Sir, As you let me know, I received yesterday the call of the young man Ayestarlin. I sincerely than\< you for having sent him to me for a situation. I think that he is J good acquisition (1). 1 have submitted hiln to many a trial, and notice he his well acquainted ·with tlP chief business lines, such as French, English, correspondt:nce anj book-keeping. He agreed to enter my service on the lrst. uf next month as I want no longer l:o be: dc,prived of his valuable services. Thanking you again [am Yours truly ii1iguel Echarri. (1) l believe he wfft ,mit very weil. I believe he 'Will. do very well.