
t 19 VIII ContestaciOn a la carta anterior Villafranca 26th May 1923. Messrs. Iturralde and Munoa Barcelona. Gentlemen, I received in due time yo4r favour of the 20th inst, con– taining ~ome questions to which I am going to reply as brie– fly as possible. Before answering them I want to say that I do not intend to hide my personality in any way, as circumstances require. I am 40 years old. I I am married and have ~our children, the eldest one, fifteen years of age. I I deal in corn business tjt present. For six years I have renresented Mr. Zabala's firm in Bilbao in its Hardware busine~s, but when the abovesaid firm established its branch in thi~ town with some members of the firm in Bilbao, six months ~go, I was reluctantly corn• pelled to resign my position in ttiat firm. I The time I could devote to ~he extension of your busi- .. ness ..,x 1 ould be three-days a weekj It'l those three days I should be able to visit the, whole provin(/:e easily, The rest of the week I want to attend to my ow~ personal affairs and bu- siness. I · I have at my disposal.a well'i'qualified staff. to work as . dependents. · As a matter of fact, your bu~iness is not yet introduced into this country. It is true that spme lines in which ;ou deal, are imported, but your business, 1 as such, is not yet known all over here. I My own integrity, my know 1 edge of commercial matters I I '