
118 How long could you devote to our business? What means have you at your disposal to work for the extension of our business? Is our business already established in 1our country? What are your connections that may warrant the success of your representation? What woukl be on a whole, your conditions on which you might take over our representation? As we have informed you at first, before going on fur– ther, we want a clear and free reply to all those questions, as it is necessary for us to be thoroughly acquainted with our staff for the good progress of our business. We are sure that since you have made up your mind to take that step, that is to say, to offer us your services, you will have a clear record as a guarantee. Besides that, we must notify you that, as we eagerly desire an ever-increasing progress in our business, we shall be much pleased in receiving a satisfactory reply to the pre– vious questions. Awaiting your kind reply, We are, Gentleman, Yours faithfully, Iturralde & Munoa.