
117 The goods will be forwarded to your consignment, char• gespaid. Here you have the points on which we do not agree. We eagerly desire an early confirmation of the aforesaid conditions. Hoping to have an inmediate reply to this letter We remain, dear Sirs, VII Yours faithfully, Erquiaga &. Bros. Se piden informes a una persona quiz desea ser agente Barcelona 25th May 1923. Dear Sir, · · Mr. V. M~rques Villafranca. ,We are in receipt of yom favour of the 20th inst. in •Which you make a proposal for an agency of our bt1siness in Navarra. Before engaging ourselves to anything on this matter, be pleased to answer the following questions: How old are you? Are you married or single? What is your present occupation?, Have you acted in the past as an agent for ·any firm? If so, how long have you acted, where .have you acted, and what business have you represented?