
116 VI Vuelve el apodericido. informa de la entrevista Lecdroz 24th iHa_.J' l023. Messrs. Zubeldia and Co. Renteria. Gentlemen, Our proxy has jw,t come back, who informs us of tht: interview held with yo,i on the matter of the agency. Fortunately we ·:au consider the business settled already, as we agree with yon on th~, chief grounds of the question. There are but slight difierences which will be very easy for us to meet them ln vievv of the importance of the matter and of the profitable result ofiered both for you and us from the beginning. You are then, frnn this very moment appointed our re– presentatives for Reuterl2 and neighbouring villages within ~m area of five kilornei:rrn, and in return we engage oursel– ves to pay you a i-ea:,m1a;1le commission on every order we may receive from yoi/r town directly through your action. We cannot gran 1'. you the sole representation of our bu– siness for Guipuzcoa, as: we entertain numerous transactions directly with om custoc-::icrs of your country, and we are put to no inconvenience 3 t s,ll Ior Hiat reason. The commission v·,:; are wiiling; to pay you, is 6 °/ 0 , on the net amount of the fral!s11dions you may reallze and which we execute" HowevE:r, if they were so important am! nume– rous that surpassed the usual measures in such cases, we are disposed to rise that :ate up to 8 °fo. We want you to nnd:~r account of the transactions exe– cuted by us, by send:ng their amount, less i:he fixed commis– sion, the first of every month.