
115 V Se anuncia la visita del apoderado Lecaros 22nd May 1923. Messrs. Zubeldia and Co. Renteria; Gentlemen, Having been urgently called to San Sebastian for an affair, we have instructed our proxy to avail himself of this opportunity to call cin you, to treat the question of the agen– cy of our business in your town. The day after to-morrow, then, you will received our proxy's call. We have given him full particulars on our points of view, in accordance with them, the business may be ~stablished. ' We would ask you to consider attentively! our terms to come to a reasonable and conclusive arrangement as soon as– possible. You may, of course, make the necessary and convenient remarks, both as to the conditions on which the commission can be established and to the most proper way of pushing the business, according to the special circumstances of your town. We must let you know, for your information, that our proxy will reach your town at about three to six o'clock in the evening next Wednesday. Hoping soon to come to an undPrstanding on a business that might prove to our mutual advantages, We are, Gentlemen, Yours truly, Brquiaga Bros.