
114 IV Se piden informes sobre un pretendiente a comisionisfa Bilbao 21st. May, 1923. Gentlemen, Messrs. Icardo Bros Jnin. You will have certainly read in the papers our adverti– sement published some days ago, for a person who may re– present us in our ultramarine business in your town. We have received many a satisfactory proposal to that advertisement. Amoni~st them, that which has strongly called our attention, as being the most satisfactory one, is Mr. Aguinaga's, a well-known person in the trade of your town, we believe. Now then: we know that gentleman only through vague references and before charging him with such an important commission, we want to be well informed on several points. We should be, then, much obliged to you if you were so kind as to give full particulars on the integrity, financial position, credit and business relations that the aforesaid per– son may have as well as any other detail that may interest us in your opinion. We are aware, that that- gentleman undertook an oil business some time ago, to enter into competition with Messrs. Aguirre, but he failed some time after. No wonder at all, if you consider the well known financial basis of Messrs. Aguirre's firm. Needless to tell you that any information we may be honoured with, will be treated with the strictest reserve on our part. Hoping to be of some use to you in similar matters, We are, Gentlemen, Yours truly, Municha & Co.