
m [omision propuesta Lecdroz 19th A1ay, 1923" 113 Messrs" Barberena & lkfunicha lemona. Gentlemen, We duly received your favour of the 10th inst. replying to the advertisement appeared lately in the papers for a per– son, who may act Jn the cap:.,city of an agent for us in your town. We have been much ple11sed wi1:h your proposal bec,mse of the reasons you mention, according to which you might take over our representation, but sorry to tell you that ano· ther person has applied already for the same post, and we are at present bringing the negotiations on the matter to an end. · However, we are going lo make you a proposal confi– dentially. We are not pleased with our agents' representation in Inm. We have received many a re1-rnonable compla.int from our customers, and we are expecting an opportunity to dis– charge them" We know that you are thoroughly acquainted with' the requirements of that town, having been doing similar busi– ness therein for some time past, and living at present doing your business in it Are you willing to take over our tepresentation in the aforesaid town? H so, would it be on the same conditions as you offer for that in San Sebastiafi? We must tell you again that we want the matter to be treated with the strictest reserve. Awaiting for an early rt!ply We remain, Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, Triana &. Torralba.