
112 H Aceptacion de mm oferta piwa obrar como [mnisionistas Lecdroz l8th May, UJ23. 1llessrs. Landa & Dorronsoro Alegria. Gentlemen, V✓e received in due time your favour of the 10th inst. and after having attentiveiy ccmsidered its contents, we we– re highly pleased with yot,r proposal, We are receiving very good proposals for our adverti– sement appeared in the pBpers lately, but we think that yours suits us the best, and as .:ve are not yet engaged with anybo– dy, we want to enter into negotiations with you on this matter, because of your rmmernns and well known connec– tions in the trade of this conntry. We think that we shail easily come to an understanding. It will absolutely depend on the commission you require for your transactions. As it is very difficult and ·wearisome to come to full un– derstanding on every poiat in such a matter through corres– pondence, please wait c: week longer and we will send our proxy with the necessary instructions to bring the matter to an end. V✓e are, Gentlemen, Yours truly, Ar2elus & Co.