
111 Ofreciendose a _ejercer coma agentes ,Glasgow, 16th. May 1923. Messrs. Yurrita & Co. Liverpool. Gentlemen, We recived a letter yesterday from our friend, Mr. Agui– rre, living in London, who informs us of your advertisement for an agent, who having good connections amongst the mer– chants of this town, will be willing to represent you in ·your alcoholic business. We have, then, the honour to offer you our services. The name of our firm will have surely come to your no– tice, and you will be acquainted with the large wine business which we have been doing for about-twenty years. Therefo– re, our connections in and out of this country are very impor– tant and numerous. We, must let you know that we have represented a firm of your town in a· similar business some time· ago, and we resigned our position when the aforesaid firm founded its branch in this town. We have at our disposal a large staff to act in th_e capa– city of agents in this town, or as travellers in the province. If, after having attentively considered all the abovesaid circumstances, you are pleased with our proposal, please let us have your general conditions ori which the business could be established. For any information you require you may appeal to the most honourable persons of this town. We are, Gentlemen, Yours truly, Echesortu Bros.