
109 VIII Circular anunciando la representacion en industria de cacao, chocolates, etc. lrtin 16th May 1923. Dear Sir, Mr. f. M. Maguregai Bilbao. We have the honour to offer you our services as gene– ral agents in Spain, Portugal and Colonies for Paul Franke and Go's Ak Gesellschaft in Leipzig (Germany) firm. It is a l_arge factory for the manufacture of all kinds of machinery for the making of cocoa, chocolate and confectionery, one of the oldest and most honourable in the trade. We must tell you as a good reference, that most of cho– colate factories in Germany, Holland and Switzerland work with it. Moreover, in Spain there are established in Barcelo– na, Valencia and many other towns, where you will be infor– med that, after 20 years of uninterrupted work, no repair at all has been required by wear and tear. . By using old proceedings, most of Spanish chocolates have not the good excellence as to compete with others .from abroad; that excellence and a greater yield is secured through the Paul Franke and Co's machinery, because of its great improvement, noiseless work, smoothness and saving of power. If you want to renew your machinery or extend your industry, we shall be much pleased in giving you every de– tail, offer and estimates. We have also at our disposal skilled hands to fit up our machines and everything in connection with chocolates and confectionery. · Hoping to be favoured with your kind orders \ We are, Gentlemen, Yours very truly, Garmendia Bros.