
108 VII Fundacion de una sucursal. Modiftcaciones en los precios de los generos Iran 15th May 1923. Messrs. Arana Bros. Villafranca. Gentlemen, We have the honour to inform you that we have just opened a branch for our wine business in this town, Hernani Street, numbers 6 and 7, ground floors. The slight difference in price will cause no surprise at all, if you consider the great expenses that the transport of the goods, from the headquarters to our new branch brings to us. To push our business in this country from the beginning, and to provide our old customers with the utmost accommo– dations, we have renoved a part of the staff from London to this branch, so, you may rest assured that any order which you may honour us with, will be promptly and carefully atten– ded to. We are, Gentllemen, Yours very truly, Zabeldia & Co.