
107 VI An unciando ampliacione.s en el edificio de la fabrica y el cambio de i 1 az6n social London 14th May 1923. Mssrs. Arana Bros. Villafranca. Gentlemen, Our cloth business having become so extended, we have thciught opportune to~enlarge the premises of our factory con– siderably. That being the case, our business will be partly stopped for some time. We must inform you also that owing to the recent death oI our partner, the late Mr. Yurrita, we have changed the na·· me of our firm. We shall trade in future under the style of Brandford & Co. Apologizing for the troubles ~hat may result to you be– cause of the change, which we hope will prove advantageous to our customers, We remain, Gentlemen, Yours very truly, Garm!lndia Bros.