
106 IV Se anunci:s d cambio de domicilio Paris 11th lV!_ay 1923. Mr, fohn Cipitria and Co. Tolosa. Dear Sir, From this day orw.?.rds, please send the newspaper to my new address in Paris <,Hue des rrioutons)) 4, 1rst floor. Yours very truly. Adolfo Barberena. V Se rmuncis la fundaci<m de una casa para negociar en produdos rnloniales New-Castle 12th .Mag ffJ23. Dear customer, !Vir. /. ll-1. JVJ.unicha Tolosa. We must inform yvu 1.hat we have established our firm of colonial products in Nc'.111castle. Vve are, as you sec., in: an excellent position to bring about orders for any part oI the world. Our representative, who will arrive one of these days, will show you some samples of our new products, which we trust you will favom ably consider. Hoping, then, to be favonred with your kind orders, We are, Genil:eman, Yours faithfully, Ricardo Aguirre & (-0.