
105 III Circular 1:munciando mejoras realizadas en una revista London May 10th 1923. Mr. Antonio Aramburo. · Lemona. Dear Sir, As a former subscriber to our commercial magazine «Bu– siness Organization and Management» you will be interes– ted, we feel sure, to hear of ·the important developments which will take effect with the October issue, and w,!iich, we are confident, will greatly increase its popularity among Bu– siness Men. Thanks to recent reductions in the cost of printing and paper, we are now able to offer the magazine at the popular price of One Shilling net. Typographically, it will be a very attractive production indeed, consisting of 80 large pages (of which 16 are reser– ved for advertisements), fully illustrated, and printed in bold; · readable type on fine quality paper and with a three-coloured cover of distinctive design. ,. We have pleasure in announcing that eminent business men will contribute special articles to the October issue, which will be of outstanding interest, and somE: very atrac– tive features have also been arranged for future numbers. Will you kindly return the enclosed form of subscription duly completed, and continue to lend us your vat uable support in our efforts to provide a magazine of the highest class, de– voted to the study of Scientific Management and Business Efficiency? · Yours faithfully, Leandro Madina~cpitia and Go.