
101 XII Se reclama el pago inmediato de una cantidad Lecciro2 May 5th 1923. Dear Sir, Mr. Lucio Franco Tolosa. I regret to call your attention to your account. As I am now in want of money I request you will kindly return the overdue quantity as soon as possible. I should care nothing at all about the delay of payment in other circumstances, but now it is quite imposible for me to wait longer, since my actual creditors insistently require from me the payment of all my debts. Please ~xcuse me, if I trouble you, but I find myself in hard want of doing so. XIII Yours truly Leandro Garcia. Se pide el aplazamiento de un pago Lecaros May 16th 1923. DearSir, Mr. Luis Caperochipi San Sebastian. I received yesterday your grateful letter of the 9th. inst. in which you call my attention to the payment of my account but I regret to tell you that I can't realise it as soon as you request. . I bought some gc.ods last week at strictly cash price, so that l am pennyless at present. I beg you to wait six or se– .ven days more, and I sincerely hope to pay it all. Yours truly Antonio Pago/a.