
IX Oando instrucciornzs sobre exigencias, · medios de pago, :&. London, May 2nd. 1923. 00 Mr. Roman Areso Villafranca. Dear Sir, We thank you very much for your order of April 16th, and in reply to your enquiry regarding payment, we beg to state that our terms are that a deposit of not less than 33. 1 /s °lo of the value of the order should berem,itted with the order, the balance we will draw for at sight against documents. When favouring us with your order, we shall be pleased if you will give us full particulars if you require us to ship by any particular route or to draw on you through any particular bank. ' · · In reply to your enquiry respecting measurement of fra– me, it is customary to take the measurements from the cen– tre of the bracket axle to the top of the seat tube as shown on the enclosed sketch. For your guidance we should point out that the most po– pular size in Gents Cycles, is 24", and Ladies, 23" and 24". Alt Kirmer arrow Cicles and Frames are fitted with transfers bearing our trade mark, but not in black celluloid, only gold and coloured transfer as used in the trade. Yours faithfulty, Garmendia Hermanos.