
98 VII Se acredita en cuenta el valor de una Lietra Lecdr02, April 30th. 1923. Mr. I ose Maria Maguregui Bilbao. Dear Sir, I have the ple1tsure to send you, as per the enclosed du– plicate, the goods you referred to in your letter of the 15th. inst. The amount of Ptas. 100,10 is debited to your account. I am, VIII Yours truly Pedro Eraso. Se anuncia el asiento de una cantidad en los libros Lecaros, May Jrst. 1923. · Mr. fuan Goicoechea and Co. Villafranca. Dear Sir, I received your letter of the 10th. inst. together with the invoice of the lot of figs sent, which have arrived in good condition. As. per the abovesaid invoice I pass the amount of Ptas. 2250 to the credit of your account. Per contra, I place to your debit the same sum, which draw to your order no. 2783,on the Bank of Zaragoza. Thanking you for your kindness, I am, Yours truly Luis Opoca.